The Search of Lord Pakal Ahau in the 21st
(A Thermonuclear-Born Human Personality in Search for
Answers in the Third Dimension)
From Astronomer-Priest to Priest-King to King-God
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(Votum Sanguinis - Voto de Sangre Materna)
"Ancestors, true bloodline, I ask you for your
Bring me your solace and your wisdom.
Blessed Mother, come to me in my dreams with the Gods' desire for my future.
Blessed Father, watch over my people under the stars.
Let them use the land and water and keep them safe until my return.
Whisper to them in their sleep that I live only to hold them again and all
else is dust and air.
Ancestors, true stones, I honor you and will try to live with the dignity
you have taught me."
- Lord Pakal Ahau, Palenque, Temple of the Inscriptions, Winter Solstice
2012 A.D. - Mexico.
- En Espanol -
"Antepasados, verdadera linea de sangre, les
pido su guia.
Traiganme su paz y su inteligencia.
Madre Bendita, ven a mi en mis suenos con el deseo de los Dioses para mi futuro.
Padre Bendito, vigila a mi raza por debajo de sus estrellas.
Dejalos usar la tierra y el agua y mantenlos salvos hasta mi regreso.
Susurrale a ellos en sus suenos que solo vivo para abrazarlos de nuevo y todo
lo demas es polvo y aire.
Antepasados, piedras verdaderas, Yo los honro y tratare de vivir con la dignidad
que Uds. me han ensenado.
-Lord Pakal Ahau, Palenque, Templo de las Inscripciones, Solsticio de Invierno.
2012 A.D. Mexico.
After Dec. 2004, a new website will be added to complete Lord Pakal's Trilogy.
The new website is called The Path of Lord Pakal. Also, if this website goes
into net meltdown in 2012
due to excessive amount of traffic, we have two blogs with more information
under the same title
Lord Pakal Ahau's Maya Diaries in different servers. Thanks for your interest.
As Lord Pakal Ahau told us...and that's only the beginning.
Para todos los visitantes de habla hispana, Pakal Ahau hace una aclaracion
Este sitio no intenta formar religiones ni cultos y no pertenece a "gringos
o gueros" en lo absoluto.
Solo explica el retorno de Pakal Ahau como lo explica la Sagrada Profecia
del 2012 y documenta
con hechos reales sobre la vida y pasion de Nuestro Senor Pakal Ahau desde
su nacimiento
en 1952 hasta nuestros dias. Gracias por su visita y esperamos que nuestras
latinas sean cada dia mas fuertes en nuestros paises de habla hispana.
(El Grupo Pakalian de Mexico. 2007.)
Send email to myhowitzero at yahoo
"A truly unique theological website
written by a Spanish-talking person about the once and future Mayan King,
apocalyptic trends of 2012 theories and
an interesting fusion of Mayan archaeology, cultural rituals and cyberidentities."
Selected Site of the Day 10-13-04. (AnthroTech)
Apocalypse: a genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework, in which a revelation is mediated by an otherworldly being to a human recipient, disclosing a transcendent reality which is both temporal, insofar as it envisages eschatological salvation, and spatial, insofar as it involves another, supernatural world. |
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