my valued visitors:
you, my most valued friends and Mayan fans for visiting this
humble web site, for helping to make my Anniversary web site
celebration, and what I'm sure will be a remarkable and successful
event next year and in 2012.
I was thinking about a theme for this year's Anniversary celebration,
I realized that people visited this web site for basically
two things: original Mayan information and fun. So this year,
that's what I got in store for you.
the next 8 years, beginning in 2004, you can help me promote
the arrival of 2012. The vibrant color designs are inspired
when Lord Pakal, as the Solar Shield, becomes a Mayan Star
to leave this beautiful planet, and opens the Xibalba Portal
of the Mayas. As Pakal leaves his temporal body, the Sun arrives
on December 21, 2012 at 11hrs 11mins Universal Time at the
intersection of the Ecliptic and Galactic Equator in the Milky
Way. But, wait, there's more!... then, the 2012 planetary
alignment ends the 26,000-yr of the Great Mayan Cycle. And
everything will be done according to the Prophecy. Amazing
stuff, indeed!
this new digital decade, computers and networks have become
an integral part of our everyday life. I'm passionate that
in the year 2012, a change of ideas (from mechanic ideas created
by the man-made industrial revolution to cosmic awareness
and spiritual networks) will happen and I believe that all
of this will improve your life and quality of time on Earth
for the younger generations.
to all of us having a better day, every day until the new
Alien Time arrives, and may one day you'll show your memories
to your grandchildren and say proudly, "I was with Pakal
at that time because he loves me from his Shining Star".
Don't forget that, my friend.
with peace,
Pakal Ahau.
