
Is there a unit of space in the dimensions?


The design of Pakal's funerary chamber remains a mystery for Mayanologists because the Mayan priests did not use our current metric system, but a unit of space associated with their Gods' symbolism. In the following table, calculations are made to find a correlation that could provide information about their design and Mayan dimensions in space. The measurements as described in some research papers are in meters.

7.00 3.75 6.50 170.625
Length to width ratio 1.866666666666
Inverse to L/W 0.535714285714
Length to height ratio 1.076923076923
Inverse to L/H ratio 0.928571428571
Height to width ratio 1.733333333333
Inverse to H/W ratio 0.576923076923
3.00 2.10 1.10 6.93
Length to width ratio 1.428571428571
Inverse to L/W ratio 0.700000000000
Length to height ratio 2.727272727272
Inverse to L/H ratio 0.366666666666
Height to width ratio 0.523809523809
Inverse to H/W ratio 1.909090909092
  3.80 2.20 0.25 2.09
Length to width ratio 1.727272727272
Inverse to L/W ratio 0.578947368421
Length to thickness ratio 15.20000000000
Inverse to L/T ratio 0.065789473684
Width to thickness ratio 8.800000000000
Inverse to W/T ratio 0.113636363636

The first thing we notice in the calculations is that the result produces numbers that are not exact (irrational numbers) in their ratio. This means that their unit of space was, for example, the length of a cord measuring something less or greater that 1 meter. Secondly, the length of the cord was probably divided in equal parts. My hypothesis is that the cord was divided in 7 equal parts to associate the symbolism of the number 7. The number 7 is considered the representation of the highest Mayan God that cannot be perceived with your senses but imagined because our brain has already exhausted all the natural possibilities (there are 6 Gods in Nature). For a detailed explanation of symbolic gods associated with the first seven numerals, see my article, "The Symbolism of Mayan Numbers."

In our metric system, dividing the Mayan unit of space in seven parts results in the number 0.142857142857. This unit has a repetitive fractal value in 142857.

Examining the calculations of the sarcophagus, it is interesting to note that the length to width ratio produces a relation associated with the inverse of the number 7. Thus, the inverse of 0.7 is 1.428571428571.

This makes sense when designing a coffin for a God-King like Pakal. To produce the Mayan symmetry and beauty of a container holding Pakal's body, the designer priests needed to consider the physical proportions (length/width) of his body associated with the symbolism of a supreme God. Therefore, the first discovered riddle is Pakal's body associated with the God 7.

Next, the Chamber seems to present another riddle to discover. If we multiply the length, width and height of the chamber by 7, the results produces approximately 49 parts, 26 parts and 45 parts. Multiplying all the parts, the total is 57,330 parts. As you may know, this number seems to correlate with stars calculations in radians. Let's examine that. The most natural unit of angular measure is not the degree, but the radian, in particular in ancient astronomy.

We know (2Pi) is an important math / geometric constant. It is the number of Radians (deg) on the circumference of a circle or sphere assuming the Circle or Sphere has 360 equal segments on its circumference. If we multiply (2Pi) x 57.330 parts, the calculation yields the number 360.215, close enough to our conventional 360 arc-degrees system. Therefore, we can speculate that the Chamber was designed as an sphere with a measure of one radian.

We have reserved the discussion of the lid's design at the end because it probably represents the mastery of the Mayas in terms of associated symbolic images and mathematical units of measure. Discarding the height of 0.25 meters, which probably does not account for any expressed relation, we focus in the length/width ratio of the lid, equals to 1.72 or multiples of 20 x 5 x 1.72. In other words, the number 172.

Pakal's Mayan Store

According to Jenkins (1994), "Tzolkin: Visionary Perspectives and Calendar Studies," the number 172 was a connection between the larger Venus Calendar cycles and the cycles of Neptune and Uranus. In other words, he discovered that the conjunction cycles of Uranus and Neptune, each lasting about 172 years, could be predicted using the Mayan Venus Calendar (specifically, 12 Uranus/Neptune conjunctions equal 20 Venus Rounds). These large rhythms are observed to relate to historical events, especially in Mesoamerica. Since Uranus and Neptune are not visible to the naked eye, this suggests that Mayan cosmo-conception, rooted in the sacred tzolkin cycle, may have applications beyond the borders of Mesoamerica.

In modern astrology, the Uranus-Neptune combination is associated, both in history and in personal biographies, with periods in which the archetypal--the mythic, the spiritual, the transcendent, the imaginal, the numinous--is suddenly awakened and liberated in new ways into human consciousness. We see this all around us now: the tremendous upswelling of interest today in an astonishing multiplicity of spiritual paths and traditions, in esoteric disciplines, in the transpersonal movement, in meditation and mystical religious traditions, in Jungian and archetypal psychology, in mythology and ancient religions, in shamanism and indigenous traditions, in the recovery of Goddess spirituality and the feminine dimension of the divine, in ecofeminist spirituality, in psychedelic self-exploration and new forms of experiential psychotherapy that effect profound changes of consciousness, in the emergence of holistic and participatory paradigms in virtually every field, in the unprecedented convergence of science and spirituality. We see it in the collective awakening of an intense desire to merge with a greater unity--to reconnect with the Earth and all forms of life on it, with the cosmos, with the community of being. We see it in the powerful new awareness of the anima mundi, the soul of the world. And we see it in the widespread urge to overcome old separations and dualisms--between human being and nature, between spirit and matter, mind and body, subject and object, intellect and soul, and, perhaps most fundamentally, between masculine and feminine--to discover a deeper unitive consciousness.

Another personal alternative to this finding is to think in the vigesimal system in which 20 x 5 is equal to 100 leaving a remainder of 72 for the number in question. This seems to correlate with the 20-day month called the Haab in the Mayan calendar. The Haab is based in the cycles of earth. It has 360 plus 5 days, totaling 365 days. Similar to our current solar calendar. The Haab uses 18 months with 20 days in each month. The following table explains it:

20 days = 18 kin 288 days = 20 baktun
36 days = 20 uinales 576 days = 20 pictun
72 days = 20 tuns 1152 days = 20 calabtun
144 days = 20 katun 2304 days = 20 kinchilton

Clearly, as I discussed in another article, the lid was designed as a time machine to represent periods of time marked by either planetary conjunctions or by solar days. Archaeologists describe the glyphs around the lid as a celestial band, but the units of measure seem to indicate a good correlation to the days lived by King Pakal on Earth and his 80 trips around the sun.

In summary, the following conclusions can be postulated:

  1. The sarcophagus was designed based on the physical proportions of King Pakal's body and the symbolism of the number 7 as the Supreme God of the Maya Universe.
  2. The chamber was designed based on the spherical astronomical dimensions of the Maya universe.
  3. The lid was designed as a time machine to mark the solar days around the sun or the conjunctions of important planets in the Mayan Venus calendar.

So, now that you know a little more of what to watch in the sky according to Pakal's prophecies, these are the three most unusual astronomical phenomena until 2012.

a) A Transit of Venus, in which Venus will pass directly in front of the Sun in 2004.

b) The greatest, longest solar eclipse of the 21st Century in 2009.

c) In addition, the Venus transit returns to the same area of the sky every 8 years, and each time, is getting nearer and nearer to the Pleiades. In 1972, Venus was 1 degree from Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades, but in 2012, Venus will be right next to Alcyone.

"The science of one day becomes the magic of the next day and diversion in another time."
(Pakal Ahau).